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What is the voltage level of power cable products?


What is the voltage level of power cable products?

Power cables are manufactured according to a certain voltage level. Due to different insulation materials and operating conditions, power cables are used in different voltage levels. There are 19 voltage levels of cable products in my country, including 0.6/1KV, 1/1KV, 3.6/6KV, 6/6KV, 6/10KV, 8.7/10KV, 8.7/15KV, 12/15KV, 15/20KV, 18/ There are 19 types of 20KV, 18/30KV, 21/35KV, 26/35KV, 36/63KV, 48/63KV, 64/110KV, 127/220KV, 190/330KV, 290/500KV.

The voltage level has two values, separated by a slash. The value before the slash is the phase voltage, which is represented by U0; the value after the slash is the line voltage value, which is represented by U (the highest voltage of the device). The power of different voltage levels is suitable for different three-phase systems. For example, the power of this voltage level of 0.6/1KV is suitable for the three-phase system with the duration of each ground fault not exceeding 1min; and the 8.7/10KV power is suitable for each grounding A three-phase system where the failure duration generally does not exceed 2h, and the longest does not exceed 8h. Special attention is required when selecting and using cables.
